Training the Next Generation of Latin HIV Activists Entrenando la próxima generación de Activistas Latines en la lucha en contra el VIH

The Latin Institute at “HIV Is Not a Crime training academy” - a Partnership with the SERO Project

About HIV Is Not A Crime National Training Academy Hosted by the sero Project

HIV is Not a Crime National Training Academy (HINAC) is a biennial gathering of people living with HIV (PLHIV), HIV policy leaders and other stakeholders, primarily from the U.S., that educates and trains advocates and centers PLHIV leadership to end HIV criminalization, mass incarceration, racism and social injustice.

HINAC6 will take place May 31st through June 3rd, 2025 at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, N.C.



HIV Criminalization

What YOU need to know

For people with HIV, a contentious relationship, a personal misunderstanding or even a minor infraction of the law can lead to a long jail sentence, public shaming and registration as a sex offender. HIV-specific criminal charges have been filed in the U.S. more than 1,500 times.

If you have been accused, DO NOT TALK to police or investigators

  • Do not acknowledge your HIV status (no matter how well-known your HIV+ status might be, just say you want a lawyer).

  • Do not provide blood, saliva or give permission for any medical tests.

  • Do not sign any documents.

  • Do not volunteer any information.

Tell them you want a lawyer and will not answer questions until you have one.

They may try to convince you things “will be easier” if you cooperate; this is rarely true.  Providing information before you have the help of a lawyer is NEVER to your advantage, even if you know you did nothing wrong.

Some people get convicted because they cooperated before they had a lawyer. Be polite, but absolutely do not talk, acknowledge, provide information or sign anything until you have a lawyer.

Lo que necesitas saber

Para las personas con VIH, una relación conflictiva, un malentendido personal o incluso una infracción menor de la ley puede conducir a una larga sentencia de cárcel, vergüenza pública y registro como delincuente sexual. En los EE. UU. se conocen de más de 1,500 cargos penales específicos de personas con viven con VIH.

Si Ud. ha sido acusado, NO HABLE con la policía o los investigadores.

  • No reconozca su estatus de VIH (no importa qué tan conocido sea su estatus de VIH+, solo diga que quiere un abogado).

  • No proporcione sangre, saliva ni dé permiso para ningún examen médico.

  • No firme ningún documento.

  • No ofrezca ninguna información.

Dígales que quiere un abogado y que no responderá preguntas hasta que tenga uno.

Es posible que traten de convencerte de que las cosas "serán más fáciles" si cooperas; esto rara vez es cierto. Proporcionar información antes de contar con la ayuda de un abogado NUNCA es una ventaja para usted, incluso si sabe que no hizo nada malo.

Algunas personas son condenadas porque cooperaron antes de tener un abogado. Sea cortés, pero absolutamente no hable, reconozca, proporcione información ni firme nada hasta que tenga un abogado.

Credit: SERO Project