To get a sense of who the next administration will be, look no further than Project 2025.

¿Qué es el Proyecto 2025? El Proyecto 2025 es una peligrosa estrategia política impulsada por extremistas. Podría amenazar las libertades básicas al desmantelar los controles y contrapesos y consolidar el poder en el cargo del presidente, como hacen otros gobiernos autoritarios. Tambien propone eliminar o reducir fondos para la prevención de VIH, incluyendo PEPFAR.

What is Project 2025? It is a 900-page policy "wish list" for the next Republican president, a proposal that would expand presidential power and impose an ultra-conservative social vision.

Project 2025 aims Criminalizing HIV care and prevention - The conservative attack on HIV funding and programs including PEPFAR, Medicare and Medicaid has been going on for several years. It is linked to the anti-abortion and antigay agenda of conservative Christians.

New Ad Series Gives Voice to Public Concerns About Project 2025

“This is Personal” ads reflect widespread US rejection of extremist right agenda

Stop The Coup 2025 in partnership with LatinX+, is releasing a video ad series, This Is Personal, for social media, made with campaign volunteers. The ads, in English and Spanish, give voice to the growing fear of the conservative movement’s  political blueprint, Project 2025.